Techincal Consulting

Contract Engineering

Equipment & System Design


Always start the waste separation process by sorting materials based on size, since this always improves downstream cleaning and sorting processes.

Which Screening Technology is Best?

Trommels, disc screens, or vibratory? All of them! Depending exactly on the task at hand. T3 has designed, installed, and tested all three options many times, from multiple equipment vendors. Now add in newer technology options such as ballistic screens and auger screens and the selection is even more difficult. A majority of screening technology sales staff are given a script to sell that favors their company’s offering, not specifically your company’s operation! Select the leader in understanding and knowing all options available to best suit your company. Call T3 today!!

T3 Process


Always start separation process by sorting materials to size as this always improves downstream separation processes.


Density separation can clean a positive value heavy fraction, or protect large investment downstream equipment such as precision shredders.


Sort materials by composition using magnetics, optics, or AI robots, T3CHCOMP has experience with all best in class suppliers.


A system is only as good as its components. The proper process combination and integration is paramount to long term success.